It has been one year since we introduced Career Edge Talent Screening (CETS), an innovative web-based video screening service that allows us to assess, qualify and administer all incoming candidates.
“CETS has revolutionized our registrant intake and screening processes,” said Graham Sogawa, Vice President of Recruitment and Partnerships at Career Edge. “Through the video interviews, we get a deeper understanding our candidates’ skills and career objectives, and can match them more effectively with current and future internship opportunities.”
As an employer, you can also use CETS video interviews to complement your existing best practices. If you haven’t already leveraged this feature, see the chart below to see how easy it is to incorporate CETS into your recruitment process.
Employers are able to save time by viewing the videos on-demand, prior to scheduling phone interviews, Graham explained. “In less than five minutes you can learn more about a candidate compared to what’s captured in a résumé, allowing you to decide if you’d like to schedule an interview to learn even more about what they can bring to your specific role,” he said. “It cuts out a lot of the time spent going back and forth when scheduling phone interviews.”
With the New Year’s recruitment season quickly approaching, we encourage you to get your internship postings up on the board in December so that you can take advantage of the CETS videos now, find talented candidates faster, and put them to work in 2016.
Ready to post an internship? Login or register to get started.