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Happy Birthday, Blog! The “CEO Blog” turns 1 today

By October 22, 2010August 6th, 2019Uncategorized

Exactly one year ago our little organization had a big launch for our blog with its inaugural post, An Open Door Policy.

Since October 2009 Career Edge Organization’s official organizational blog has brought over 8,000 readers economic and employment news, updates, discussion, research and profiles in over 75 individual posts!

We’ve had over 14,000 pageviews and continue to build a loyal community of returning readers, primarily in Canada.

At Career Edge Organization, we’ll be celebrating with some delicious cake and a big thank you to everyone on our team who has contributed content or ideas for the blog. Most importantly, we would like to thank you, our loyal readers who have helped make our transition to the web 2.0 world a wonderful success.

Happy Birthday Blog!