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We hosted our first-ever case competition this past Saturday at the Ted Rogers School of Management! With students from Ryerson University, Seneca College, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, University of Toronto Mississauga, University of Toronto Scarborough, Western University, and York University competing for a $3,000 prize pool, we’d like to congratulate again Ameerul Junaidi, Anika Lee, Mujtaba Malik, and Paul Park from University of Toronto Scarborough who won the $1,500 first-place prize.

We’d also like to congratulate Bohan Jiang, Max Verzunov, Jane Wang, and Gary Wu from Western University finishing second and Ryusuke Hijikata, Dimash Mussabetov, Jinxuan Wang, and Yingqi Yan from York University placing third. The team registration proceeds will be donated to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.

We’d also like to thank the Ryerson Entertainment Conference, our sponsor EAInfoBiz Inc., our judges Wendy Abbott, Chris Chen, Jenny Ge, Sydney Helland, Pallavi Kodila Srikanth, Valerie Khan, Jennifer Longworth, Carrie Millen, Shelly Mlynarczyk, Natalie Pedrosa, Dr. Vineet Sharma, Sandra Shehadeh, Karen Sihra, Jim Thomson, Sunny Vykunthan, our panelists Carol Alfieri, Dr. Trina Foster, Henry Guerreiro, Vivian Li, Dorena Quinn, and moderator Lien Chia.