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Career Edge Org

Why is Career Edge important to me? By Aziz Smailagić

By Success Story

Learn about the journey of Aziz with Career Edge.


Aziz Smailagić

Director, Client Services

My relationship and connection to Career Edge extends far beyond employee-employer. The organization was once the guiding light that led my own career search as a recent graduate, and now I have the opportunity to help others find their light as well.

Before you are truly in the job search (whether in school, in another country, or still exploring your interests) the search seems like something that cannot be too hard, right?

“There are job postings all over the internet, surely someone will hire me, right?”

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Why is Career Edge important to me? By Jeff Lazenby

By Success Story

Read Jeff’s story of leading Career Edge’s team and how they are changing lives


Jeff Lazenby

President and CEO

What makes Career Edge special? In wanting to tell the story of what makes Career Edge special, the only place I could start is with the staff at Career Edge and the work that they do every day. Since I joined Career Edge, the one constant is the dedication of the staff who, day in and day out, all strive to make a difference in someone else’s life. Seeing their efforts every day to help someone overcome a barrier to finding meaningful employment is nothing short of heroic. Every moment of their day is singularly focused on making a difference to someone they barely know.  To have a front row seat to witness it makes it more special.

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Virtual Trade Show Event for Diversifying Supply Chains & Celebrating Inclusivity

By Employer

This year, the OCC is using its convening power to address the equity gap in business with the Business Diversity Economic Expo, a business to business virtual trade show and networking event, putting a spotlight on businesses which are Black-owned, Indigenous-owned, People of Colour-owned, Women-owned, LGBTQ2+-owned, and businesses owned by People with Disabilities.  The OCC is inviting procurement officers and supply chain leaders from large private sector, public sector and academic institutions to attend and meet with business owners – and we’re excited to share that Career Edge will be exhibiting at the Business Diversity Economic Expo 2020 on October 22, October 28 and November 17! Read More

stop celebrating diversity

It’s Time to Stop Celebrating Diversity

By Diversity and Inclusion, Employer

We need to stop celebrating diversity in the workplace. Yes, you read that right – we need to stop celebrating diversity. Here is why – diversity in the workplace is powerful, influential, and engaging…but only if we can utilize it correctly. If we do not use the skills and perspectives and experiences our diverse teams offer to create better products and services, then our diversity becomes a vanity statistic; a data point that makes us feel better and has no real impact.

So, how can we tap into diversity? Read More

work life balance

Work-Life Balance Tips (as told by Career Edge staff)

By Workplace Culture
After having to work remotely for many months now, finding a healthy work-life balance can seem difficult. And for the parents out there who are in the swing of the back-to-school season and thinking about how to manage your kids’ remote learning, a healthy work-life balance can seem downright impossible.

But that doesn’t make it any less vital – to decrease stress, to avoid burnout, to strengthen mental and physical health, and so much more.

So, Career Edge’s very own staff are offering their own tried and true tips and techniques to those who are finding it a challenge keeping a healthy work-life balance right now. Read More

winning mindset

Develop a Winning Mindset for Your Job Hunt

By Jobseeker
[This week’s blog comes from Chantelle Sukhu, a Career Edge Alumna and Communications Manager, Product & Content at TELUS Digital!]

Searching for a job can be one of the most humbling exercises a professional can experience. Individuals dedicate hours to fixing their resumes, crafting countless cover letters, preparing for interviews and learning to network. This journey is sometimes far from linear, as each rejection could result in the process restarting. In this sense, job hunting is a master class in patience and positivity.

Given the current climate, individuals may feel that certain elements of a job hunt are out of their control, especially as a new grad or newcomer. So how do you demonstrate resiliency when the odds are stacked against you? Invest in cultivating a ‘winning mindset’ by practising positivity through affirmations. Read More

No Solidarity in Silence

By General
Anti-Racism goes beyond a black box on your timeline. As an organization working in the space of diversity and inclusion, we recognize we need to do more to support job seekers and partners within our program. At Career Edge, our mission is to help individuals break barriers to employment, and for many of our job seekers, these barriers go beyond simply whether they have just graduated, have a disability or are new to Canada. For these individuals, they face daily injustices simply due to the color of their skin or the name they have been given. Systemic racism is prevalent, not only within America but all over the world. It is our responsibility to stop the cycle and to make sure we are doing our part to ensure fair and equal opportunity for not only people of color, but especially for Black people. Read More

RBC employees

RBC Business Client Program Reaches Milestone

By Employer

The RBC Associate Employer Program recently reached its 100th hire. Launched in 2012 in partnership with RBC, the program supports RBC’s small- and medium-sized businesses based in the Greater Toronto Region by connecting their clients with skilled newcomers to Canada who fit their employment needs.

In addition to hiring almost 1,000 interns through Career Edge, RBC incentivizes their business clients to share their commitment to launching careers of individuals facing barriers to employment. The award-winning financial institution offers hiring subsidies to clients that hire skilled newcomers through Career Edge paid internships. Read More