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Canada Day: Another first for many newcomers

By July 1, 2012August 6th, 2019Uncategorized

Last week, Career Edge Organization (CEO) attended the 2nd Annual Career, Education & Settlement Fair presented by Canadian Immigrant and Scotiabank in association with Centennial College.

At the fair, we met many newcomers and recent immigrants seeking job hunting tips, information about accreditation and upgrading of education, and additional resources to support their settlement in Canada.

For many internationally qualified newcomers that stopped by the CEO exhibitor booth, today is the first Canada Day that they will be celebrating since immigrating to Canada.

I got a chance to speak with Biju George, an internationally trained technical sales professional from India. With over 20 years of experience, Biju and his wife moved to Canada three months ago and are now in the process of settling in the GTA and laying the groundwork for a successful career transition.

Biju explained that he is looking forward to joining in today’s festivities, saying, “Having only moved to Canada within the past couple of months, my wife and I are looking forward to celebrating our first Canada Day by going to the Pride Parade and visiting High Park for the celebrations.”

We would like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to newcomers like Biju, and wish a Happy Canada Day to everyone who calls this country home.